Crosley Radio Model 56 TN

Circa 1946

Here is a fine little wood table top radio that picks up shortwave broadcasts in addition to standard broadcasts.

The cabinet is in untouched original condition. This set also appears with wooden fins over the speaker grill. Electronically, this set is also untouched, surprisingly, it still plays well. I do not play it often however, and see a complete electronic restoration coming for it soon.

The functions of the knobs from left to right are: Volume/on-off; Tone-outer knob, high-lo type, and band switch inner knob. The right most knob is for tuning.

Above is a close-up of the radio's dial. Markings for the AM band are in the top half, short wave in the bottom.

Above, the back of the radio. This back also contains the look antenna.

Why is it that manufacturers always liked to put labels with important information such as this in places were they are vulnerable to damage??? This tag, on the radio cabinet's underside identifies the model number and tube positions. Another tag not shown lists all the patents the radio was made under.

Above, interior of this 5-tube wonder. This radio is very lightweight and well constructed, The chassis is very compact. The tubes and their functions are noted on in the table below.  Input from the antenna is fed directly to the converter, with a connection to the tuning capacitor for tuning.

ID Type Function
V1 12SA7-GT Converter-Oscillator
V2 12SK7-GT Intermediate Frequency Amplifier
V3 12SQ7-GT Detector-AVC-Audio Amplifier
V4 50L6-GT Beam Power Audio Output
V5 35Z5-GT Rectifier

The intermediate frequency is 455Kc on both bands.

Above and below are some views of the chassis only. You can easily see all the vintage original components in the picture below. Although still working fine, the insulation on the wires is becoming brittle outside the chassis, and gummy inside. You can see some of the insulation cracking off one of the antenna lead wires in the picture above.

Service Data:

Riders Volume 17, Crosley Page 17-3, 17-4, 17-5 and 17-6.

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